News Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:16:23 GMT <![CDATA[News / Tours to Russia]]> We want to invite you in the Russia. Our new tours will started to you in the November 2014

Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:11:11 GMT 69
<![CDATA[News of Art World / A private view of an exhibition by premier goldsmith Jocelyn Burton and famous artist Rebecca Driffield.]]>

A private view of an exhibition by premier goldsmith Jocelyn Burton and famous artist Rebecca Driffield.

A private view of an exhibition by premier goldsmith Jocelyn Burton and famous artist Rebecca Driffield A private view of an exhibition by premier goldsmith Jocelyn Burton and famous artist Rebecca DriffieldA private view of an exhibition by premier goldsmith Jocelyn Burton and famous artist Rebecca Driffield will be held on Thursday 27th March from 2 - 8.00 pm. Art on view for sale by invitation at this exhibition. A warm atmosphere, gourmet treats and drinks will be available and connoisseurs of the art world willl be invited.
We will help you arrange your visit and diversify your leisure:
Booking rooms in the hotel,
The organization of transfers,
Interesting tour of London.

Wed, 19 Mar 2014 15:36:25 GMT 70